A Quick Update + Snippets


Hi Readers!

As many of you have guessed, my book The Great Trees Fall hasn’t been released yet. I appreciate all of the emails and posts you sent me checking in on me and the book’s progress. I had every intention of releasing the book this year and that hasn’t happened. I sincerely apologize to those who are anxiously awaiting the final book. I am just as anxious to see how Brandon and Natalie’s story will end as you are!

I often have dreams of writing fiction full-time, but that hasn’t come to fruition yet.

In the meantime, I try to squeeze in my fiction writing time when I can. Unfortunately, as adulthood has it, and as I get older, my “real life” responsibilities paramount some of the things I actually want to do with my day.

Take a look at some snippets from the book below.


As always, I sincerely thank you for reading my stuff, and I thank you for your patience. You have no idea what your support has meant to me!

Sincerely yours,

Jade Alyse



Quinn, They Call Me

The Revolving Door

Caution: Some of the snippets may contain spoilers. If you don’t want to know anything about what may happen in the book, don’t read or proceed with caution!

Update: The Great Trees Fall – Release Date TBD

“Its better to be a ‘Turtle’ who walks patiently and enjoys every step of the way, Rather than to be a ‘Rabbit’ who runs fast but missing every details in life…”

Dear Lovely Readers:

As you may have guessed it, my book, The Great Trees Fall (do you remember it?) won’t be coming out on March 9th, as promised. To keep it short, sweet, and excuse-free, I’ll release the book as I feel comfortable to do so. I sincerely thank you all for sticking with me, and hope, upon actual release, that you’ll still be interested in reading.

Will it be released this year? Absolutely. But pinpointing a time and date is difficult at this time.

In the meantime, of course, read the preview linked below, and let me know what you think!

1st Chapter – The Great Trees Fall


Jade Alyse

A New Year and a New Book on the Way

the great trees fall

Tritely enough, a brand new year is a very exciting time, is it not? You feel a renewed sense of purpose. You may even prioritize things differently, make exciting plans, draft lists of the things you neglected to do in the previous year.

And speaking of things that I neglected to do in the preceding year, I’d like to say that the official countdown is underway.

In case you’ve forgotten, my book, The Great Trees Fall, will be released in March of this year. I sincerely cannot wait to share this with you, and I hope that you help me in spreading the word about it.

Brandon and Natalie deserve a proper send off, am I right?

In the meantime, check out some snippets of the book here and here!

Just a Couple of Quick Updates for Eager Readers

Hello Readers,

I know that it’s chilly where you are, and you’re looking for a nice book to snuggle up with.

Sound about right? I figured.

I’ve received a couple of messages on my Facebook page, asking me when my next book The Great Trees Fall will be released, and if it will be released sooner than March 9th (yes, that March 9th in 2015). I would love to say that the book was ready for release now, but it isn’t, and I sincerely appreciate everyone’s patience as I finalize this project.  Believe or not, March will be here in the blink of an eye.

Think about it this way: the holidays are here and the end of the year is right around the corner.

With that being said, I want to thank each and every one of you who’ve reached out to me expressing your anticipation for the next book. I’m just as excited as you are!

March 9, 2015, is still the release date for the book, and I don’t expect it to change. 

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In the meantime, I’ll be sure to post another snippet, and if you have any questions or concerns, please, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’ll try to get to your inquiry as soon as humanly possible.

Much love,

Jade Alyse

Check out a short interview with 10914 Reviews, regarding my book, “When You Come to Me”

Hi All,

While I’m well underway, working on my new project and the final book in the When You Come to Me series, the folks over at 10914 Reviews, were gracious enough to interview me about my first book, When You Come to Me. Remember that one? I know it’s been awhile.

At any rate, check it out, share it, and share your thoughts.

When You Come to Me Interview

When You Come to Me

When You Come to Me

It’s not an illusion: March 9, 2015 is the new release date for “The Great Trees Fall”! Here’s why…

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March 9, 2015


As most of you know already, my latest project The Great Trees Fall did not come out on September 10th.  If you don’t know why, here’s my reasoning.

With that being said, however, many of you have been waiting ever-so-patiently for a new release date. I’ve promised you so many times. I’ve even posted a couple of snippets to tease you.

While the date you see above seems ridiculously far out, and inconceivable, it suits me just fine. This book is being dedicated to the 4 most important women in my life: my mama, my maternal grandmother (you remember Natalie’s grandma Marie Chandler…welp!), my baby sister, and my late aunt (who actually passed away on March 9, 2013).  This final book in the When You Come to Me series is more than concluding Brandon and Natalie’s tale.  It’s about the bounty of tough choices women have to make throughout their lives: whether it be our careers, our men, and something as difficult as when we should opt to use our hearts over our good sense.  It’s about self-discovery and finding peace after difficult chapters in our lives, and where we should seek comfort, and how we solidify our strength.

The date not only commemorates my late aunt, but her literary influence on my life, as well as the other women who give me strength and life daily.

Have no fear, readers. This date is staying, no matter what my life brings!

I thank each of you for sticking with me, and sharing your own stories with me.

The Great Trees Fall

The Great Trees Fall

A New Release Date for My Book Will Be Announced This Week! I Hope You’re Still Just as Excited as I Am!


By now, I hope you’ve read the sample chapters I posted this time last week and have passed them along to all of your book loving friends? Not there yet? Check them out below.

In the meantime, stay tuned for a new release date, and thank you for sticking with me. You have no idea how much it means!


READ: The Great Trees Fall Excerpt | Howl at the Moon Chapter

READ: A Sample Chapter from My Upcoming Book, “The Great Trees Fall”


Hello Again, Readers!
I’m in a good place right now.  My direction for this latest project has been re-invigorated, and I’m writing like crazy.  For all your patience and kind words, I not only thank you, but I’ll share a chapter with you.  Take a gander below.
I’ll also (hopefully) be releasing a new date for the book very soon.  And by soon, I mean in the next few days or so.
Thanks for sticking with me through this whole process.  You have no idea what it means.
If you like what you’ve read from me so far, please do me a solid and share with your friends.
It would mean the world to me!

READ: Howl at the Moon Chapter

READ: An Excerpt from My Upcoming Book, “The Great Trees Fall” Now

the great trees fall

Hi Readers!

Since September 10th, has come and gone, I’ve gotten a few emails from people notifying me that they can’t locate the book on any book distributor’s website.  There’s a reason for that, which can be found here.

In the meantime, I promised you guys a snippet of what’s to come.  While I work diligently, making the last book in the When You Come to Me series what I believe it should be, you can read a tinge of what’s going on below.  As always, if you have any questions or want to chat, I’m available!

Take a read and let me know your thoughts! I cannot wait to share the final product with you all.

Read: The Great Trees Fall Excerpt (September, 2014)

Are You as Ready for September 10th as I Am?

September 10th:

The When You Come to Me Trilogy

Are You as Ready for September 10th as I Am?


The release of The Great Trees Fall on September 10th marks the end of Brandon and Natalie’s story, and I’m sure you guys are already aware of how excited I am!

In tandem with the release of The Great Trees Fall, I will release each book as part of one series so it’ll be much easier for readers to move from one book to the next.

If you haven’t read TGTF’s predecessor’s When You Come to Me & Skin Like Dawn, read them now. If you have, first and foremost thank you; secondly, please share with your friends!

Stay tuned 🙂